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   Meet the Sistorians



At GSCE we had the choice of either History or Geography. My 13 year old self opted for Geography - volcanoes and tornadoes sounded way more interesting than old things... How wrong I was!! If I had my time again I'd definitely pick History! A few years later, whilst choosing A-Levels, Classics was an option and got my attention. I went with it, loved every minute, and later took Classical Studies at Royal Holloway, University of London.


I nearly did a Masters, then thought maybe I wanted to be a Classics teacher so got myself a Latin AS-Level instead, (I'd studied Ancient Greek at university but the Classics PGCE teaching courses at the time asked for Latin...). But after all that I decided to stay in the job I was already in - paralegal at an insurance firm! Not very history-ish...  


Many, MANY years later I'm still in insurance, but keep history very much in my life as a constant, well-loved hobby. Luckily Caroline shares the same love so it's been an easy hobby to cultivate. Occasionally I even manage to persuade my husband to get in on the action, who despite being indifferent to history when we met, now has a top ten list of amphitheatres...


Doing the podcast with Caroline is a real joy - I feel very lucky!




Obviously as the little sister I copied most of Laura's A-Level choices and almost followed her to university. But at the last minute I resolved to forge my own path, (i.e. follow my best friend to Warwick...), and study Classical Civilisation there instead. Little did I know what a great place Warwick was and is to study Classics. Great tutors made me fall even more in love with the subject - so much so that I eventually decided to do a Masters with the Open University...which I swiftly finished over the course of 15 years...


DO let me know if you have trouble sleeping and I can send you a copy of my MA dissertation. However, it is due to the writing of that, which means not only do I have a soft spot for Trimalchio (of Satyricon fame), but more importantly a great interest in Sensory Studies.


And that is my journey to starting this podcast with Laura. She is indeed very lucky...


Sistory selfie May 2022

The night we decided to give Sistory History a whirl! (May 2022)

Sistory selfie Sept 2022

Our first business meeting!

(September 2022)

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